Thursday 29 November 2007

Raw materials : A good investment ?

By looking at this table we can notice that the growth of raw materials is quiet impressive.
More particularly, if we look at uranium, lead (plomb) and nickel, the growth is even larger. We might wonder when does this increase of prices will stop. According to many expertises this growth will last until 2015 at least, consequently it might be a good investment.
This increase is due to different factors; first the depreciation of the money which involved the boost of raw material prices. Second, in 2001 the offer started to decrease due to the lack of resources, and the ask growing due to the investors which anticipated an increase of prices.
To conclude, regarding the petrol, the political situation in Middle East is the main factor that affect the oil price, consequently if we have a look at the last 6 years situation, it makes sense that the price increased by 388%.

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