Thursday 29 November 2007

Citigroup helped by an Arab Prince

Isn’t that chocking, Citigroup which is the first bank of United States is forced to accept petrodollars in order not to finish the year in the black. In fact it is an Arab melt of investment, which entered in the capital of Citigroup.
Abu Dhabi which is one of the 7 emirates of United Arabes Emirates, injected 7,5 billion US dollar, which is making the Sheik the number one stakeholder of Citigroup.
Since the beginning of the year, Citigroup share lost 46% of their value, due to the sub prime crisis, consequently it looks as a good investment for the Sheik, since the company suffered from this crisis but will certainly make it back.
But this investment shows something not god, indeed it means that Citigroup is really in bad health for the moment, since they didn’t care about selling her shares to foreign countries. Consequently Wall Street is still worried and this financial market doubt could last during several months.

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