Friday 12 October 2007

The petrol should reach 100 $ !

According to the minister of energy in Qatar, Abdallah Ben Hamad Al-Attiyah, the actual price of Oil which is in the average of 80$ the baril, shouldn’t be that low for 2 reasons which are the inflation and the dollar.
Basically the price is eroded by the inflation and should be 25% higher. Indeed the price of oil didn’t follow that much the natural growth of goods price.
The second reason is the weakness of the dollar, indeed as you can see in the graph the money of the Uncle Sam has lost 10% of his value in only 1 year, .

We should notice that Quatar is a country member of the The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEP), and needless to mention that they are the one who decide of the Oil price.
Consequently this kind of information must be taken very seriously, the goal of this kind of intervention is to convey a message. In my opinion the dollar is not as stable as before.
Since the oil price is fixed in dollars, the exporting country of petrol are loosing a lot of money due to the bush administration who provides a low dollar policy in order to attract countries of the all world and buy American products. Moreover the latest FED’s decision to decrease the interest rate by 0,5 % will have the effect to increase the inflation. Which is another reason of a probability high of the Oil price. If things happen as Abdallah Ben Hamad said, the economy will be penalized as well as the financial markets.

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