Friday 21 September 2007

Wall street crash of 1929

Remember ! It was a thursday known as black Thursday. I am of course talking about the wall street crash of 1929.
The day were the biggest stock market of the world collapses for no reason. Actually there was a reason, not an economic one, it just collapses because the speculation was to high, and despite the warning send by the all world, every  traders and customers  were believing in this growth who was actually a market bubble.
The big issue with this kind of crash is that it affects all the economy even if that one isn't in bad health. Indeed when the shares of a company are to high and when the market collapses, the company can go bankrupt very easily.
The rumour tells that many people suicide them after this one month fall of the stock market. I think that we should'nt forget this day before investing money on the stock market. It is true that the growth of the shares can be attractive but the collapse can be terrible !

PS: In the picture, Fred Bell who had to sell apples after the crash.

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